Hosted by Eric Pettus

Scheduled on

Sunday 10:00 pm 12:00 am

The Voice of Community

Tune in every Sunday night at 9 pm for the Chief Jimmie Brown Show, a show born out of the struggle in 1989 to become the place where “Miami comes to discuss the issues that affect the African American Community here and abroad”. WMBM has been the show's home since 2014.
Join the host, Mr. Eric Pettus, the President and Co-Founder of Pettus & Dawkins Financial Group, a full service financial planning and business consulting firm, as he continues the legacy of the shows creator Chief Jimmie Brown. WMBM has been the shows home since 2014 when Mr. Pettus encouraged Chief Brown the shows creator to end his brief retirement after 25 years and join Bishop Victor Curry on WMBM.
Chief Jimmie Brown began the show as an opportunity for the community to address issues directly with the police leadership. He called these discussions hot talk and at the time did not realize something he expected to last a couple of weeks would continue on for 35 years. Chief Brown, a retired Miami Dade Police Chief, a United Methodist Church Pastor, a retired Air Force Veteran, a Bronze Medal Winner, a College Professor at multiple universities, an author of 20+ books, who earned 2 PHD’s , two Masters degrees, several bachelor’s degrees and an associate degree passed away on December 31, 2018 and bequeathed the show to Pettus his long time guest and protege. As we enter the 36 year of the show and the 11 year on the Station that Prays we want to always remember to put Jesus Christ First!

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